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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Happiest Day In My Life...!!!

Do I Have One...?
The best blueberry Tart I've ever tasted
Of course I do...everyone has it right? Either it is small or big...it doesn't matter because if that things make you happy...then it is worth to remember...
People say, that the happiest time in our life is when we were born....then when we meet our love ones...when we get married...and lastly when our child is born (the cycle continues) :-)
So, i must say that I've passed those period when i was born (of course)...and now, i'm seeking for that second happiness (meeting my love ones)....and believe me...even though I haven't met her yet (or more specific, she haven't reveal herself yet) :-p I already feel the chills and constantly visualize what's her look-a-like :-)
Marriage is the next big step in any relationships....and I don't know why, but lately, some of my friend keeps telling me their "Big News" and it makes my heart throbs in happiness and also sadness at the same time...
I mean...i happy for them....for what God has given them...but it makes me sad because when i see them making those big steps...I felt that my life is going nowhere since... :-(

What Did I Do...?
Me & My Friend Camwhoring before walking at the beach
Well, as for now...i just grasp any tiny puny little happiness that i can get just to get by...anything that can make me smile even for a second is sufficient enough (i don't think I'm entitle to ask for more) :-p
I try to make myself to be grateful and to be more appreciative towards anything that happened to me and not taking for granted for any deeds that I've done to others...
It's kind of sad when I think back at all those time when I just pools at someone else happiness rather than finding my own...but what can i possibly do...I just don't have that much of a courage to stand for what I want back then...~sigh~

Live Your Life To Be Happy...!!!
A snap before breakfast :-)
I want my own happiness to be real...not just some momentary gesture that passes by in an instant :-(
That's the reason I want everything to be meaningful...not just some hoax or lies...!!!
I want to be able to smile till the end of my life (wow...you are asking for the impossible now) and not cry my way through...~I had enough of that~ :-(
As if for now...I already experienced "heartbroken", "Loss of someone you've love", "poverty", "Idiocy", and many more....and from what I've lived through..i can tell that "when you're in vein, good people will come...when you're in pain, true friends will come...and when you're lonely, someone true will come...." but not all of them "stays"........

I Guess Happiness Are Meant To Be Just A Fragment Of your Memory...!!!
Sunrise at Kijal, Terengganu
People comes and people goes....People live and people dies....I guess it applies to everything, right? But it is up to you whether you want to engrave it in your memory or not and how you treat that memory as your treasure....
I'm glad for everything that happened in my life...and I always pray that anything that i do today will reflect what I will get for tomorrow...
Not all memory are good...mostly it marks the lowest point in your life...all your mistakes...all your regrets...but for me, those are my teachers....and (as an old sayings said) "respect your teacher because they give you direction in the dark...."
Just be happy for what you have now...and don't expect too much of the things that you don't have...because who knows...maybe those happiness that you seek...is just right under your nose all this time :-)

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