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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do "Falls" in Love is the correct words?

I would never know?
I never been in any kind of relationship before :-( i know that somehow this is hard to accept (or believe) due to my age and everything...but for the love of God...it's the honest-to-God truth :-/
For me (all this time)...finding your soul-mate is inevitably equals to finding your "future-wife" so, it's not an easy task for me with all this expectation been put onto my shoulders and everything :-( I don't appreciate flinging')
So, do "Falls" in love really suits me? because as far as i know, I'm constantly running back and forth searching for "her" and there is not even a single sign that says "Please Jump Here...!!!" and hopefully you'll hit a "love" sign before reaching the ground :-p (because I'll take that risk if it was that easy I tell you)...

My Niece and Nephew weren't any help?
I would say I blame all of this at my niece and nephews...!!! because ironically speaking, most of them have a bad relationships experience and some of them even effect their studies and all... :-(
Why the hell am I been drag into this matter?
I constantly asked this question to myself :-/ It's practically their life, not mine...right? but all my relatives keep on reminding me of my responsibility as the eldest and only son in my family...and how i need to ensure that I brought back a nice gal into my family..."Baie kena tunjuk contoh kat adik-adik...Baie kan abang sulong..." is my uncles' speech every time he comes to visits.
I understand their intention, and i pray that I would meet their expectations too...but I'm tired of listening...tired of following...and only God know...I'm tired of trying to be the perfect son :-(

The experience is the greatest teachers of all...!!!
That's the reason I am an imitation of "Dumb and Dumber" for all this time...I don't have any teachings in this matter...I wish i excel in this subject of "finding your true love" because i think i already get an 'A' in my "How to be a perfect guy" subject (self-proclaimed) :-p

Girls Expectations...!!!
I wish i have that answer (so i could score this subject as well) :-p but i guess it will remain a mystery until I met with "her" :-)
I always imagine her to tell me stuff that only I can hear...teaches me how to love her...learn what she likes and dislikes...because the "Girl" that i want is the one whom teaches me all of this...and I want her to know that i did all of that is because of her :-) and not anyone else...
I can easily hear what girls' want in a guy from other girls (sisters, friends, nieces) but will it be the same with what she wants?

I Wish and I Hope...!!!
Wait for me
I use a lot of that phrase in this writings (if you noticed)...Why? because that is as far as i could go...as for now, I'm that kid whom look at the sky at night and pray to the "wishing star" to grant all my desire :-p
Sometimes I did wonder, if "she" also do the same :-)  


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