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Saturday, March 23, 2013


Title: Conversation

Hot...top...waiting back...
Breaking neck is all that lack...
compilation is denied...

Verse 1:
Do you know something...
It was a great thing...
Been forgotten as one of the old things...
How do we react....nothing...
We just look back and give some snickering...

Mom and pops always say (look to left...and to the right)
When you step in...(there's no way to turn it back)
When there is a calamity (God please save us)

In the big city (i never get enough, coz i really want to see it more...and i say)
In the big city (everything is hot, not to mention the price suck...now you say)
In the big city (your cries been heard...your heart been put...to the height you ever could)
And I'll come back to you again...

Verse II:
When there is nothing...there's always something...
Try to change the diaper...I beg the differ...
Wanna get away...when things get tough (I don't wanna go back)
I know your feel (but i don't know which side)
I know your goal (but i don't know which mine)
I don't know it....
we alike...you dislike...
on my own...and away....

About the song:
Well, as the title aforementioned, this song is about "conversation" literally. I wrote this when i pay a little visit at my friends' and afterward we have this walk in the city...(literally as mention in the song)
and i see a lot of people going on and on non-stop...rushing to somewhere...and buying stuff...eating at the park...laughing with their friends at a restaurant...and it  make me realize some familiarity among them...which is "they don't pay attention to the things that's happening around them" and only cares about the stuff concerning them :-(
This one time, there is this bro walk in a fast pace motion and suddenly bumped into this kids shoulders...and guess what...he didn't even have the decencies to apologies properly...(just smile and move on) i mean whaaaa...!!!

My realization...!!!
We need to communicate verbally....because only then, our true intention can be heard...and yes..!!! maybe (sometimes) it's enough to just read their body language or wrote them a letter...but will it be sufficient?
Just a simple "Hi" and "hello" is enough to start the conversation...some does it whilst smoking at the back alley with some strangers....why can't we?

The message...!!!
Read closely at the lyric and see what can you decipher from it..!!!
As far as i can remember, i love to watch people's behavior and most of them are involving the way they communicate with each other....
and from all of those observation, i can conclude that if you do not deliver it verbally...people will often miss-leaded and sometimes it can lead to a worst relationships scenario.... :-(

That happens to me...!!!
This is also one of the reason why i created this blog in the first place...i feel the need to communicate with others...try to explain who am I in a manner in which they can choose either to accept or neglect...
Yes...!!! this is not be done "verbally" but at least  its a start...right?
People often misled me as someone whom hard to be approach "thoroughly" through my character and attitude...(if you known me personally...then you'll think otherwise) :-p
I want to explain all of this to them...but as you can see...i have a lot of "explaining" to do since i have a lot of stuff been going on in my head right now (and i think no one will have interest of my sayings) haha :-p
I wish someone would just bear with me through all of this and just "try" to listen to what I'm trying to say..because if I kept on keeping all of this "stuff" inside my head...I'm afraid it will explode and turns me into a freaking zombie.... "ootaaakkkkkkkkkk...!!!! " hahaha :-p


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