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Saturday, May 2, 2015

The New Beginning...Again...!!!

This is life...!!!
Whenever you felt down...scared...demotivated...relentless...always remember that you have a "choice" to make...and that choice can either save you...or destroys you...I believe that in life, exist a "refresh button" somewhere...and it's up to you whether you want to press it or not...a lot of people (especially those whom lived before me) said that you only have one decision in life, but i really beg the differ...why must you only scope yourself into one simple solution whilst the answer comes in many forms and sizes...? Creation of this figures might resulted one emotions to blend with the tide and only hopes that the odds are moving towards their direction...which is not entirely true the whole time...
For many times I think to myself that the world is more than what meet the eyes...but if the heart is blinded by the sorrowful facts of those shadows, then the naked eyes will never see the truth even if you beg for it...Is is sad to think that most of us is crying over something which is not matters and laugh at the things which did...in the end, the last laugh shall be on the lips of those whom "notice"...so which side are you on?

New Chapter In My Life...!!!
I have open up a new chapter in my book recently, and strive to seek for more challenges in the deep sea...even though the decision has come with a heavy heart, but there are times when you need to make such decision in life right? The mix feeling does have its turns...and to be honest, I do felt a little bit scared of this development...but if I stop and stare at the road taken, it seems that the journey has not diverted that much yet...but who know what will happen along the way...The jitters seems to give me goosebumps and the chills stops me to breath a couple of times...so i guess it is a sign that I have made one of those "big-life decision" which may effect my life in the long run...
Coming to the end is not what I was hoping for...and as I enter the next door, the breeze slowly capture my skins and the lovely sounds starts to go loud...but should I open it? If I did, Should I step in?

The Sirens Whisper...!!!
A lot of people do try to influence me to take a certain "precautions" and the vibes does felt deeper when the group are among your closest...however it seems that my heart already have made up his mind and guided me to take the canal rather than the those high-roads...why?
Why does my heart did not allow me to be like them? talk like them? think like them? this does horn me with doubts and clearly the answer is not going to be serve in a silver platen...but one thing for sure is that I never felt scared to go against the tide...it seems that my faith in myself does proven to built me a shield which strong enough to protect me when the situation demanded it the most...At least I'm not scared..not scared at all :-)

~The broth of success is a mix of multiple small achievements~ 

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