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Friday, February 20, 2015

True Happiness...!!!

Is It For You Or Others...?
Have you ever wondering about it? I mean, have you ever ask yourself "why do I feel happy...?" and "Who makes me happy...?" It's odd to actually stating the fact that "I'm happy because of me..." or "I'm happy for myself..." is it? Usually we feel happy because of those "other" factor which makes us feel good about ourselves...admit it...you are happy for "someone" or "something" else....not because something that happen within you or towards you...It's the fact :-p The real reason of "us" feeling "happy" is because something had been done by someone else or happen to someone else...thus create a chain reaction towards your emotions deeply...I do believe that those reason is because you have some deep feeling towards that "someone"...or "something"...
My theory is that, when you see (or hear) news about that "someone" or "something", which positively triggers your inhibition, those tears will dried..and those smiles will shines...then your "true happiness" will emerge...this so-called "statement" might been put as "cliche'.." but to those whom always think that their "happiness" is based on their own "conquest", this would be something for you lot to be taken seriously....Such as myself, been wondering and searching for my own "little" happiness is somewhat ridiculous if I were to think that I would achieve it by myself...thus, seeing other's journey surely will get me to somewhere which I suppose ably belonged too :-)

How Do We Tell...?
That's is the real question that all of us need to discover...because for me, it has messed up my life for quite some times...the journey that I've taken so far seems so far away because I didn't have any clue of what I should be expecting...I always clinging on something which I see or hear from someone else...and in my own mischievous mind, those were regarded as "Happiness.." but is it true? Does those so-called "happiness" of them can be compare to what I should be getting? or mine is less? or more? how can I measure those?
Seeing people with kids...wife...family...is always be seen as what "we" should be getting...but in the end, how many of us is actually "happy" after getting there? There will always be a problem along the way...but does it solve your "doubts"? will it kills your lust for "more"? Will it stop you from going further? because if it is not, then it means that you are letting go of your "happiness" for someone else? am I right?

The Hole To Be Fill...!!!
Our heart will always have that "one spot" which seems loss or unfulfilled...and we will always searching for those "filler" to mount the gap...but in the end, we are created with a hole...which is destined to be fill only with the right "insert" which the reason of people like me are born...It's sad to be created different than others...but in the end, we are all the same...just the way we see things are different...
No matter how big or small your goals in life are...and no matter how high or low your expectation in life were...the journey only will lead us to one destination...fast or slow is the question...and it depends on you on how you judge those whom been left behind as when you pass them by...will you lend a hand? or just walk away...it's your choice...because in life, the choice that we made is the one whom determine the road we will take...and the people that we will meet...for me< my happiness lies in those road not taken...and I plan to search for it even if it takes me a thousand year :-)

~Please Wait For Me~

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