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Friday, February 13, 2015

Selfie...The True Iconic Gesture Of Our generation...!!!

The Walk...!!!
Just the other day when i was chilling at this mall...my vision has been captivated by these "mock-building" of a China-town at the center of this place...and whilst i oozing around the view from far above, i see this groupies of girls taking photos which spout funny all over my face...So, i smile...then giggles...and afterwards i didn't realize that I've been laughing my ass off by seeing those girls...(i think one of those girls realize me doing that and tell her friends to stay away...) haha At first i was captivated because one of the girls looks really cute right? so i kept on staring at them...but i didn't realize that by observing them would open up another rationality inside my mind...which is a plus for me...(hence the giggles) :-p
The funny part of this story starts when one of the girls tried to take her picture by asking her friends to help with the camera (it's a smartphone actually)...and whilst she's getting ready, she strike this "Stiff-Pose" which hilariously funny...i think she want the picture to look "natural" but in the end, her awkwardness seems prevailing the idea...But there's more....!!! Then the girl tried to stand at this small stage settings which kinda at the center of the crowd...and she were there like five minutes trying to avoid any unwanted background which seems impossible when you are shooting at a public places right? So there are this "hand signals" which says "wait...wait..." followed by some head gestures of "nodding"...plus the "mime" which i don't think that anyone whose can do "lip-reading" can decipher....haha
Then comes a Chinese couple casually pulls out their phone and start to take a "we-fie"...which for me is the correct way to do it...because you are not suppose to care about what people thinks about your action in public right? people will always judge, so just do your thing and get on with life...haha :-p But i can see why those girls are so scared off...basically the way they take their selfie is by making this so called "cute faces" or "duck-faces" which for me is reallyyyyy funny....and one of the girl is holding her own camera and pose this "worried faces" which for me personally is kinda ridiculous (but still immensely funny)...I really have a good laugh that day...seriously I do...Thank you girls...you've made my day :-)

The Odd Feelings...!!!
I just never get it...why does people would want their picture to be like something else rather than capturing what they truly are? Some people that I've met even tried to take some extra miles to edit their photos which for me is bloody genius (i want to do it too...) Haha I mean, I always take a bad picture, but it doesn't compensate of what I would do if I want to see myself as a perfect being..right?
For me, if your picture make you look fat, then you should loose weight...not crop or spin the dice with the adobe Photoshop's settings...!!! If your picture made you look distress, then you'll need to go out and find something which will make your picture more cheerful the next time you take it...that's my logic...and i think it's a basic of all basics...some people want their fairy tale to live with less effort to be taken care off, which make you a "cheater" rather than living "honestly"...
They say that "a picture can tell a thousand words" right? So why would you go for those happy story only? because the negative ones need to be told too....only then you will have a "balance" life...don't you think? Aside from that, those people whom act "good" or "bad" whilst their picture taken is also falls under my "annoying" list :-p You want to know why? because you're a douche...!!!Pretending to give away donations....holding a baby...even those whom snap their own picture whilst reciting the Quran is also considered as a douche in my list (no disrespect intended)...I mean why? why would you take those picture? what's the logic behind it? to whom you want to show it too? and for what benefits? There are some people that I know that would ask someone else to snap his picture whilst he is praying which make him sooooooo freaking unbelievably douche bags of all time in my list...and it makes me sad...I really do :-(

It Used To Be Simple...!!! 
The old days, picture are taken in a group more often because we can't afford to buy extra "film-negatives"...and we were very careful of what we "snap" because of the limited opportunity...going to the Kodak's store and have the negatives processed already cost us weeks before we can enjoy the pleasure of "seeing" ourselves in those pictures...and guess what? we could not even imagine how the picture looks like until it has readied...sometimes its devastating when all the picture taken are blurred...and we would get mad at the one whom taken it...haha I miss the old days...what a journey it has been...and now, the scene has changed...and people would "snap" almost anything...and don't forget those social media which make this "sickness" spread like butter...hence comes the "selfie" culture...
Don't get me wrong...I have nothing against "selfie"...what I have a "thing" with..is the way "we" do it nowadays...and the intention of doing it pulls the trigger even more smoothly...I really hope that people would "snap" out of this and be who they are suppose to be...(and people keep bashing me and tell me that I'm living in a dream land...how about them?) Think about it will you?


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