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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Turning The Table…!!!

It takes courage…!!!
Not many dares to take this oath…I mean, surrendering yourself to the idea of you yourself are not worthy of such “chance”; regardless of what it is….is just the same as lowering your ego…your self-belief…your passion…your ideology…your everything towards the extend of putting you in the other side of the fence…admitting your lost is somewhat challenging especially to those whom have a higher price than the Himalayas…personally, I also struggling to admit it myself…because you always “think” that you are right…right? So blinded by that thought makes anyone feel “determine” of whatever choices or action that they made…and when other people started to make even a slightest comment of those things that you do…you tend to retaliate… L
Not to mention if among those “commentator” lies your competitor or enemy…thus the acceptance level becomes lower and prove to have a negative impact on your life in the long run…”what if they were right…” will never be in the picture…trust me...I’ve been there…
I believe that it takes more than just “rationality” or “peace of mind” to turn the table around…because they will always be “walls” which burdens or deteriorate you from finding the truth (or at least making a point) in life…

Admit it…!!!
For me, admitting your defeat or losses are the first step of avoiding self-deprivation…thus make yourself open for other possibility of regaining strength to “win back” what you’ve loss or finding something better…Judging by those facts, only you can lift up your courage to do something more and meaningful with your life…because there a much more to this world than what you think…
Don’t be too prideful with what you’ve had or done so far…because those so-called “signature you” maybe didn’t even count in the “new you” at present…people are changing, why shouldn’t you? Ask yourself this question as many times possible…then you’ll get what I mean… J
Don’t get me wrong…having a philosophy in life is good…not to mention being the “you” you wanted “you” to be is admirable at times…but known this…if those so-called “ideology” of yours would benefit negatively towards the people surrounding you, what would be the implication of those act? You yourself made the choice which giving the chance of others to resent you more than what they already have…It’s not a good “philosophy” now is it? :-p

Live Now, So You Can Fight Tomorrow…!!!
This is a good statement…I mean, don’t think that all those people that you’ve seen on the street are ordinary or typical “street walker”…because you’ll never know whether those alleyways walker is commonly beings which considered as “fallen” in your own sense of belief…or just those “extra-ordinary” gentlemen which waiting for their time to shine…each people have their own story to tell…just like you and I…so treat them as such…respect them when passing by…because, just like us…they are also struggling with whatever life has thrown away at them…and yet, they still able to walk tall in front of you…

Turning the table is not easy…sometimes you need helps from others to do it…some choose to do it alone…some do it for fame and glory…some struggle for it just so they can change their standards of living…some only can pray for it because they couldn’t even think of making the first steps…so if you are among those whom “chosen” to be a part of it…be grateful…because what you have right now, could be someone else “dreams and prays”….. 

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