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Friday, April 4, 2014

Don’t Be Afraid…!!!

To Love…!!!
Believe it or not, I just have an amazing chat with my old friend just now…for me to be able to meeting him is considered as “lucky” enough because this guy is whom I looked up for before (and we rarely see each other since the past four years)…Since I’ve known him, he were like this super cool dude with his knowledge and observation towards his surroundings and everything….not to mention “religious” For me he is the ideal person which I try to become…but I guess I’m still far from reaching it :-P
We are at the same age…and we both recently completed our studies…and we were like chatting on how tough it was to get a job nowadays…and not to mention doing some “catching up” with each other’s life…suddenly he reach his pockets and brought out a card that says “Wedding’s Ceremony” and somehow his name were on it…this proves to be a really good news for me since he told me about his engagement news a year before J I just can’t believe another one of my best friend is getting married…
Upon our chats, he were all like “I’m lucky to have her…” and “This is what Allah has planned for me…” with a smile which I can’t even describe with words on how happy his faces look-a-like J His love story is the most “shortest-but-daring” which I’ve ever witness (myself)…and this chronicles of his will forever be imbedded in my mind (I can’t tell you the details…sorry…!!!) :-p
I’ve told him my situation and he replied “don’t worry…your destiny has already been set up by Him, the only question is when and where….not how or whom…because the choice are already been given for you to reach it…but the end is been blanked for a reason…for us to put our faith in Him…always remember that His love is greater than your disappointment...and His plan are better than your dreams…what you need to do is just belief and don’t be afraid…because He is always be with you…always…” Gosh…!!! How can he be so cool with those words…haha

To Get Married…!!!
I always heard that no matter what your life’s situation are, when you've married, it will change everything…since few of my friends has proven it, It seems that those statement are true enough to be belief inn… (It’s not that I'm being cynical about these things…) Your way of living…your wealth…your maturity…everything will change themselves…but the question mark for me personally is whether those changes are for the better or worse?
My friend said to me that “how can you say that the person that sits next to you will bring you despair and ruining your life? Whatever reason that they may be, it will come back to Allah’s plan…and His plan are absolute…no flaws…and believe me when I say this…your life…or any other people’s life will change for the better...In Shaa Allah…”
When I think it back clearly…the person could never be some bad intrusion towards my life…she can never be...because having her is enough to make my day worth awhile…let along being a hindrance…man...I am such a stupid douche…
To Chase Your Dreams…!!!
A wise men once said “A man work under the broad daylight to feed himself…but work on nigh falls to reach his dream” In my defence, we are all dream-chaser…but the distance between each of us is how we reach them…some falls…and some prevails…but nothing comes easy…and nothing comes clear…success is just something which we created ourselves…but the means to reach it already been fated…
Being said all of these makes me realize that being afraid is just prove how big my dreams were...but it doesn't mean that it is impossible to reach it…it just means that I need to go out of my comfort zone to grab it…but for whatever it worth…I know that when I reach my destination...I will be a different person…J

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