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Saturday, March 29, 2014

What Should I Do…?

When I've met With Her?
Wow…all these time I keep on mumbling about how great it will be when we finally meet, but I never actually think about the things that I should do when I actually meeting her…!!! What would I say to her? Should I start off with a joke? Or just plain casual? Should I lead the conversation or just let her do all the talking? Any suggestion guys? Haha J
I know that some of you would say stuff like “don’t worry…it will flow inn…just ride with it…” but seriously man…I’m such a nervous rack when it comes to speaking with the person which I like (but not other girls…I’m not that lame…)
Gosh…how I wish I was someone else right now…it would be much simpler…those “someone else” got the looks…personality…charms…masculinity…arghhhhh thinking about it makes me devastated a bit…but even so, I still love myself J

When We Are Together…!!!
What follows next is the big “O” moment…which I think I kind of “assuming” it to be really magical and full of love…(what a douche right..!!!) but does it stops there? Yesterday I’ve listen to this one love song (I forgot the singer’s name) but the lyrics goes something like this:

One…you’re like a dream come true…
Two…just want to be with you…
Three…will make you see that you’re the only one for me…
Four…repeat steps one, two, three….
Five…Make you fall in love with me…
When I know that all of these is done…
I will go back at one…   

Such a beautiful lyrics…and the song is really good… (kinda remember a bit...is it Brian something…owh yeah...its Brian McKnight…haha finally I could remember it…) :-p
I guess everything got its cycle...and it goes the same in loving people...sometimes your love fades over time…but that doesn’t mean that It has gone away…it’s just simply means that you got the chance to relieve your love life all over again…wow…this song really inspire me to be a better lover (even though I never be in any formal relationships yet) but it never to shame to admit it ...right?

When I’m her only one and she’s mine…!!!

There are sayings that said “The true love exist only when the women choses her man over nothing and when the man’s loyal when he is everything…” This are among those words which I found profoundly true...because nowadays, almost all the girl that I’ve met expected me to have everything (as if that I was born in a rich family or have a gold mine of my own) or sees me that much closer to either Brat Pitt or Dean Cain reincarnation…it’s kind of a burden to meet those expectation whilst my real responsibility has been put onto caring my mom and sisters…gosh…!!! If only I could find that special girl that will accept me (and my responsibility) and love me of who I am instead of whom I try to become J Well, nothing worth dying comes easy…am I right?

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