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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Can Ex’s still be Friend?

Can you fight the feelings?
You were once fall in love with each other…sharing something that only both of you know…the moment that you had is irreplaceable…the warmth of your partner still been felt under your skin….and yet you weren’t the same as you were before…can you cope with that? Can both of you keep on lying to each other by saying that “it is okay” between the two of you? The daring gesture of your wishful-eyes will always stare at her…glance at her…and without you noticing, you’ve been all over her…your mind…your thoughts…your attention is drawn towards her…can you still say that “I’m okay…”?
It is tough when two Ex’s still wanted to be friend because of the feelings that drawn both of them towards each other is so strong…can you blame them…? The irony of seeing that person which once standing beside you surely mark this awkwardness…uncertainties…sadness…guilt…anger…and so many more which only one heart can define…In the end, you can’t do anything anymore…either you or them that responsible for it…the relationship has set its sail (for some reason) and it bound to not be similar as what it used to be…not any more…!!!
Sad isn't it? What I can say is…I never would have dream of this could ever happen to me…and when it does…it sucks…!!! L

The Fake smiles…!!!
Reality checks…seeing that person in front of you every single day really put the needle in your heart, right? What does it mean? Does I still have feelings towards her? If I be so bold…I would say “yes” in a heartbeat….but you just can’t simply do that stuff…because it will put some false hope towards yourself…in your mind, you’ll always think that “she didn’t even care about my feelings anymore…or did she…” and this puzzle will repeat themselves until the very last of her glance a far…
Then this “fake smiles” and “fake feelings” start to appear…these bastards only know one thing…”to conflicts every ounce of your feeling towards that person and make it disappear…”and the last thing you know, you’ve been putting up this “smiles” which full of sorrow and despair…and trust me…It shows…!!!
You can always lie with your smiles…but your heart will always stay true…I think, that is one of the wonder of the human heart…to be honest…I don’t think that there is other honest organ in the human anatomy other than the heart…and the sucky part it…that thing only omit “beats” to express its intention…the more it beating…the more crucial and important that stuff for you (say’s your brain…) but still, your brain understand it…your body felt it…your whole senses receive it… :-/
Faking your feeling surely a tough thing to do…and it’s also not healthy…so stop…!!!

The Tears within…!!!

I’ve experience this hundreds of times before (and now still)…it is tough when having the person that you’ve love in front of you…let along someone that have be with you (for how many years…) just being there…near but far…so close until you can smell her cologne yet untouchable…you just want to shout at her “I still love you….can we please get back together…?” but it seems not working like that…either it’s you pride that’s holding you…or simply just the fear…fear of losing her again…from my part…losing her once is enough…if it did happen again, I don’t know whether I can bear the feelings or not…It is good enough that we are still friends…at least I’m happy when she’s happy…and I’m happy for everything that makes her happy…I think this is when “true love” reveal itself…a wise man once said “love is not about possession, it is about appreciation…” and by doing this, I found out that I appreciate he existence more than ever…even we are not together like we once did before…but at least being this close…seeing her living her dream…finding that “better person” than me…and smiling day by day…make my day worth a while…makes me realize that every ending has a new beginning…those were hers…and hopefully mine were just around the corner…!!!  

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