Weird isn't it...?

Love is something that's (for me) is fragile and easily doesn't really matter whether by harsh words, or your will create a scar that degrade the perspective towards you the end, what glued it back together is the trust build beforehand....
For the two "love birds" to be able to withstand all these boundaries in their relationships, they need to gain those trust as strong as possible on their pre-relationship status before taking the next big is not easy when we are talking about letting your other half to "know" you that much..... (i guess that's the reason why most lovers tell their every doings to their partner....just to gain those trust...)
It is weird for a single person such as myself to interpret this much of knowledge about "relationship" when me myself didn't have it...(i sounded more like a theories right..?) haha :-p Despite all of those so-called "tormented soul" of mine...i think I've discover more about "love" than i used too....and I don't know whether i should be thankful of the "time" given for me to "think" about these stuff..or to just cry my heart out because I'm such a lame guy..!!! I guess it could only be decide when I meet with "her"....only she could approve of all my doings... :-)
Humpty Dumpty Sat On The Wall...Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall...!!!

Truthfully speaking, i think my so-called "emotions" is just like an egg shells....if its not handle carefully, it will crack to pieces...and it will take "forever" to heal...and those "wall" could be referred to as my "try-outs" which its certainty of becoming successful is like equally the same as failure...(but most of it are not pleasantly carried out when the times in need...) and those "short" stopping were both memorable and hurtful at the same time....
And the act of "humpty Dumpty" which stubbornly goes up on those "wall" over and over again even though he's been "fall" so many times before could be referred to as my "stupidity" of falling for someone which will never have feelings towards me....
I guess, the similarity of me and humpty's is that we both are searching for something that have values in our lives more than anything else...for humpty's, his reasons are to see the view which said to be more beautiful than he's ever he climbs the tall wall even though he knows that he is incapable of doing so...but deep down inside..he knows that if he not doing so, he will regret it for the rest of his life...
For me....well, i'm searching for the one that suppose to be "the one" for me and that's drive me to do all these "things" which I know that i couldn't do before these...sometimes it makes me wonder if it's worth the effort to sacrifice so much for someone that isn't even there....but deep down inside, i know that if i don't...I will regret it for the rest of my life...
In the end...!!!

Well, for my friends' Humpty Dumpty....he finally able to be on top of the wall...and the view could not be more better...I think he enjoy the scenery more than anyone else....even though for most people, the view that humpty's seen on those wall is not that great...but for him, it worth his life to begin with...and for sure he enjoy it to bits....
And for me...well, i'm not at the end of my search yet, so i can't even say whether i will be happy or not with the "ending"....but for sure i will cherish "her" more than anyone else..because she worth my life to begin with..and for sure in my eyes...she is the most perfect girl that i've ever see...and for that, I will keep on moving towards her...and pray for an happy ending for both of our life :-)