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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I am getting older...!!!

My age...!!!
Don't let me start on my age...coz it ain't gonna be pretty... :-) haha
"I'm old...my back started to hurt...it sucks..." :-p I wish i have more youth in me when i quote this phrase because i have to face the fact that I'll never gonna get back those time...huhu
I have so many things to do with so little time to spend...
God...i miss the time when the only thing i care about is how fun it was to running around the house and break stuff...
Physical is secondary to "Fun land" and waking up early in the morning is a terrible idea...(unless for watching Barney & Friends or Sesame Street)...
Do the "fountain of youth" still a myth...? coz i need it baddddd....haha :-p

The Boon and Bane of adulthood...!!!
I must say, being an adult is not so bad...(well minus the responsibility of course) :-(
I can do whatever that i want...eat what i want...spend onto whatever things that i want (if i have the money)...
I can speak whatever that i want...watch whatever that i want...and a lot more things to mention.... (*-*) :-p
But from all of those "freedom" so-called, i have a huge limit where i need to take responsible of all my actions (and it sucks) haha
NO breaking stuff which cost for nothing anymore...no eating free at the canteen or restaurant...no "happy meals" (coz it is so embarrassing to order one...) :-p
I'm stressed out sometimes because my good old days usually involve those...well..."era" :-)
NO wonder all the grown ups says "i miss my childhood" when they are old...!!!
I guess i'm among those people whom realize how great it was to be a kid...and regret all those time where i should be doing more when i've been doing less....
I should sleep more (coz it's so hard to get enough sleep nowadays...)
I should play more (coz it's hard to spend time on yourself anymore...)
I should make more friends (coz a good friend is so hard to find...)
but, i'm glad for all of those things that i do in my good old days...
you want to know why?
because if it weren't because of them...i wouldn't be "me" right now...
and i would not change it for the world... :-)

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