Surprising enough, I took the liberty to use all those "free-time" to polish myself in whatever prospect that I can think off...hence make me somewhat "focus" on the things that is in front of me rather than open my third eye to those stuff which happen around me :-(
Believe it or not, but I think there is a huge loop hole somewhere in my life that I've missed due to this ignorance which make me feel "inhuman" rather than life my life as it intended to be :-(
Gosh....if only I know what it is, maybe I could do something about it now...
The Devil Wears Prada....How Cool was that...!!!
I guess, the "bad" overshadowed the "good" this time...I don't know why, but my inhibition keeps telling me to walk "away" from the light...should I? (-_-)
I know what is good and what is bad...I really do...but why do I keep on hesitating to comply? Why does my heart keeps changing its course whilst my mind is guided towards "Him" :-(

To tell you the truth, I'm confuse and the world seems not helping much :-( I guess its true...the devil now is much popular than the angel because those demon really know how to sugar-cult the Hellish-Hell into a "Disney Land"....for what its worth..of course :-p
Who's To Blame...?

It's true...I also feel the same way, as for me, I would never find other excuses to cover up for my mistakes and my weaknesses...I would be a fool if I do so :-(
I've learned that even if you are a good person, doing good things, be among good people, doesn't make you that much of "good" in front of "Him" until you are fully believe that only through "Him" and "Him" alone shall you receive retribution and self-clarity of your reason for living :-)
A Reminder To Myself...(and other)...!!!

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