Always be positive...!!!
Throughout my years of doing the things that i do...i have been through a lot of screaming...cursing...and maybe some physical contact which i think shaped me towards the person that I am right now :-p
(and people keep thinking that I have my way easy....sigh...!!! )
There is no easy road when it comes to success...and i always say this to myself "for you to be able to stand at the spot where you are at right now is already consider as a success....never think that you don't deserve the things that you've got now...because if those things means that it was meant to be there...."
I've learned that even though there is a lot of hurdle along the way...there is always a way to overcome it..what you need to do is just stops for a while and just think about it for a second...sometimes we tend to confuse ourselves with what is simple to somewhat complex side of it...and there is no surprise when some of us fall down on the road due to their own confusions :-(
You are perfect for the way you are...!!!
Never compare yourself with other people..because if you do, you just let yourself drown in those peoples' success to the extend of forgetting yours....
I acknowledge that some people tend to have an obvious success story in which make others feel insecure or threaten by it...and some are so influential which shadowed others for good....but it doesn't mean that you yourself didn't have the chance to do it...or your so-called "small" success has no whatsoever significant value...!!! Trust me...every effort counts and you shouldn't feel embarrass about it....
Some people constantly hide their joy or laughter just because they don't want to be an eyesore or ill-view to those whom maybe have a better joke or joy than you...(metaphorically speaking) Just laugh it out loud and express your heart content the way you wanted it to be...because if you ask me, I don't really give a dam about those people who judge you or think ill about you when you are having the matter a fact, i think they should respect your rights and just let you have your glory when you have it :-)
Never Give Up...!!!
If you've once falls...don't afraid to get up and try again..because when you stop trying...means that the chances of you to get it right also stops to nothing....when i was little, my dad use to say to me that "the pain that we felt when falling are the reason why we gain true success...because when you've tasted the feeling of will try your best to not ever feel it again...and the constant fear of getting near to success excites you more than those whom never fall on their knee..."
Now i know the true meaning of your words...and I will try my best to never be on the same pace as i am before... :-)
~Good Luck Guys...~
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