I think this are one of many words said by women every time when their expectation is not met (usually they blame it all to us men)...i mean, what are girls nowadays been thinking? haha :-)

Its funny to hear girls comment about guys that doesn't know how to take a "hint"....because as i recall, i do receive a lot of "hint" but i choose to not take it as a "sign" of communication...and i think i speak on behalf of most men such as myself that...we (guys) don't want to be such a clown every time a girl winked their eyes at us...or smiles politely when our eyes meet across the corner...because if we did that (on regular basis) we will be in trouble (literally).... :-p haha
Is it common...?

Some of us does tries to impress that special someone with everything that we've got...sacrifice our time and effort for the "love" that might not happen...stay up late at night thinking about her...care about her...sees if she could use a shoulder to cried onto...believe in her doings....cheer for her...and everything else...
But at the end...what we receive as credit were "all guys are the same...." haha :-p kinda bummer to receive such complement when the credits goes to other jerks.... :-(
I guess, if all girls think alike...then us men might have to just lay back and just do what everyone else are doing...that might make things easier with you girls agenda...will it? :-p
My Reason...!!!
Well, my personal reason on this topic might be "i want to protect my heart..." as you can see, i've been let down a couple of times...and most of those "times" correlated with me being "stupid" enough to fall so easily for those so-called "hint"...i admit that this might be a stupid things to hold grudges too, but at least this is the only things left that i can do to protect these "broken" part...

In my mind, she will always be the one whom find me even when she's not looking...always held her hand for mine and smiles every time she sees me across the hall...always tell me that she loves me...and not afraid to let others know about it...that is the girl for me...the one whom "tells" that she wanted me..not those whom gives insignificant "hint" or 'sign"....
~Where are you....~
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