Each and every second of our life is like a battlefield...you don't know which direction will the enemy emerge...and you don't know whether today is your last day or not...!!! Even there is no machinery and artillery were involves, but the cause are almost the same...

the fear of loosing the battle always triggers each and everyone of us to do more when the "next" arrives...and the cycle goes on and on....Some wins, and most of us loose...i guess that is the nature of our existences..we are all fighting to reach somewhere...somewhere in the middle...and that middle is going nowhere...in the end, those effort might seems hopeless because the truth always let you down...the hatred always worn you off...and the sadness always holds you back...sad isn't it? :-(
The Virtue of Winning the Battle...!!!
Most of us seems happy just to taste the very tip of those so-called "victory"...but what does it holds to in the sense of your own salvation? Correct me if I'm wrong, but those countless victory that you and I gained is not really meant for ourselves...even the "hot seats" are singles...but the chain runs through miles apart...we don't win for ourselves...we win for others....always remember that...!!!

Fame and glory is one of it (most definitely) but does it really bring much of a happiness to you? not to mention those people whom followed you in the very beginning of your existences as a "dictator".....
What does this victory meant for them? What ground does it holds you to follow such leader? It is a puzzle that oneself can define...and those descriptive measurement only can determine the level of your "trust"...but not reasoning....better remember that...!!! :-(
The Real Art of War...!!!

There are many reason for fighting the war..just make sure that yours are better.... :-)
~That is the real Art of War~
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