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Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Stupidest Things I've Ever Done...!!!

There are a lot of them...!!!
During my childhood days, i reckon to be a bit "spoiled" and "stupid"....Always follow wherever new adventure leads me...and in the end, suffer the ineffable doom.... :-(
I was like those city kids whom has moved to the suburbs and experienced cultural shift...but i like it...hahaha :-p
"This is not the same from where I used to live..." I moan to myself...and during those "turning point" in my  life, I've discover that...when you're a city kid in the suburbs, your life "change" :-)
I think, that's the reason why...even though I have lived in many places around the country....staying in many different of houses...and meeting a lot of different types of people...I never feels alienated, because I have seen the "best and worst of both worlds" :-p
~black people don't scare me....~
Because I am some sort of a "hybrid", my mind work a little bit different than the other suburban's kids around the block...(they don't really like me that much) :-(
I laugh at their jokes, but they don't really get mine....
I joined their playground...but they seems to pick me last....(
I follow them catching fishes in the paddy field...but they have to do it for me (because I'm afraid of the leeches) :-p
So, you can see the irony of be friend-ed with "me" back then...haha
But, above all those differences in our life, they still wanted to hang out with me...because I somehow holds the title of a "spoiled city brat" :-p

Life Changes but I'm Not...!!! 
Even in the suburbs, I still wanted to have my "old-city life" back...I mean, the lifestyles is not really that much of a different during those days, but there is this inner voice inside of me that says "I'm better than anyone else in this village..." keeps on repeating itself and I guess my pride is acting all weird that time :-(
But, during those moment, I've realize that there is so many stupid things that I have done in which only a "hybrid" brat like me could do....self-proclaimed :-p

Praying for a Kamen Rider Car
Dammit...Why do i see this thing cool back then?
Since my primary school, I've always addicted to Kamen Rider series (well, who doesn't) and there is this one period in my life, that i would pray to God for this one special request...hence the "Kamen Rider Car" :-p
I would pray so hard...and if i remembered, I did shed a tears once...just hoping that God would listen to my pray and see my sincerity :-) Hahaha I am sooooo stupidddd :-p
But i never got it...Duhhhh :-p 

 Put A Cape Around My Neck Whilst Running
The feeling is undeniable :-p
Pretending that you are flying..when you're not is the greatest feeling of all time...running around as fast as you can, whilst making your "cape" to expand and flagged :-p
The idea is to make the cape flagged through the winds created whilst you're running and the higher the cape flagged, the louder the cheer needs to be....hahaha
I don't even remember how many times I've falls down and get myself hurt when doing it...but trust me, it is fun....!!!! :-p

Make A hellish Kite-Design
Have you ever play a kite before? If you do, you'll know that the most common design was those diamond shaped kite with some drawings on it....right?
Some kid did make it more extreme by adding those "cassettes taping nylon" to make the kites "sings" in the skies...its kind of fascinating to see how creative those suburbs kid are....
But for a proud brat like me, "loosing" is not an option...so, what i do is I do some writings and a bit of drawings on my kite (which I think is the coolest design of all time then) and like a stupid buffoon...I brag to all of my friend about how my kite will be the pretties in the sky that day...
What happen in the end was, those writing and drawing doesn't even give a slightest contribution towards the name "pretty" that day...because once the kite is airborne...you won't see a dam thing on your kite (especially the picture of me, my mom and my dad which i draw) hahaha :-p
I get a pretty good laugh from everyone that day..I'm so stupid....Right :-)

It is A Good Memory...!!!
I think I've been blessed from doing all those "stupid" things because in the end, it changes me bits by bits...
All of those stuff I've done (mention or not mentioned) sometimes marks my effort to adapt towards my surroundings...and it is not easy to just "change" in one night...right?
Both of my mom and dad keeps on telling me that "sometimes people appreciate those whom wanted to blend rather than those whose wanted to influence...so, be wise..." ~thanks mom and dad~ :-)
As far as I've known myself..I always thankful of the things that happen in my life..regardless of those thing which makes me feel good or bad...(we all have that...am I right?...)
but cherish them...for them are worthy to be cherish :-) respect them as for they are your teacher..and treasure them..because they are now a part of your life :-)
My action might be something stupid or careless back in the days..but I'm thankful to all those people who still believe in me even they know my weaknesses...and not taken it as a wall which separate us from finding each other...

~you'll never know a person until you know them..and you'll never change a person, until you change them...accept them of what they are, because that is what God has created them for...everyone is unique in their own way...don't justify them for their uniqueness...~  :-)


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