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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

TURNING 30...!!!

Understanding About Life...?
Now it seems that life works quite the opposite of what I used to think it would be...seeing countless people in various environment makes me understand how people actually react towards life...and how the challenges on each of us changed who we are...now i truly understand the meaning of "the only thing that does not change in life is changes itself.." we will experience "change" whether we like it or not, and we will grow whether we realize it or not...its a matter of acceptance and acknowledging the "facts" which depict and differentiate us between each other...
For the surreal experience which I've learned throughout this journey so far is there are no fast-track towards achieving big dreams...and if you achieve it easily means that your dream is not big enough (or at least not as big as what you thought it would be)...So far I've cried and laughed at myself for not seeing the true face of the world I lived inn...and how blinded I am till recently...and the best part has yet to come...what about my love life? what about my dream and goals? what about my family? what about my friends? what about them all? - if this is an episodes in Netflix then I'm pretty sure it will have at least 50 seasons more to come...Hahahaha

Chess Play...!!!
It seems that my strategy has yet show its true forms...somewhere along the line, all my dotted are aligned but not able to connect towards each other...perhaps due to my lack of determination? or maybe its my endurance? One by one my chess pieces has been sacrificed for the sole purpose of my future endeavor, but my "King & Queens" have yet able to move...there are lots and lots of pieces to move around...so many positions to configure...so many move yet to be tried...or should I just start moving my trump card? Castling my Rock? Shift my Bishops? or just focus on letting Pawn to take the lead as usual? Gosh...the irony of being underhand am I right?
Sometimes I wish that I can just casually walk without thinking...but most of the time when I tried to do that, other people will come and act as my "brain" for me...So many people claims that they can give me this and that...not forgetting those whom confidently probes that they know "myself" better than me - this might sounded like my ego talking but there is a fine line between egoistic and being prideful of your own achievement...
My late-father once told me that "for whatever thing that you do..do it with your full heart...people will talk about you whether you win or loose, so never take their words which they claimed defined who you are..." Remembering these words make me realized that I might understand why my chess piece haven't moved as planned...perhaps I let those thoughts get into my head...I easily let those people moved my focus and take advantage of my abilities - not saying that I have much though...

Act Your Age...!!!
Few people used to told me about how people should act their age as they grew older...some part of it I can understand...but overall of the concept failed to stay long....I just don't get why must we all be the same? why must we act the same? do the same thing? I mean, this is what the public expect right? but why must I condone to such bias-try and prejudice? I always love to see older people enjoying their time to the fullest - doing good or bad because for my own opinion, they just living their life as what God intended them to be...so God blessed them for those....
 Reaching to this stage makes me more open towards more possibilities in life...i mean, i just turned 30, but somehow I felt that there are more stuff to learn...and more thing to explore...(plus my hair is turning grey more than before...dayumnnn) and I think I'm getting better at seeing things in front of me...I'm becoming less judgmental...I love to see through things till the end instead of jumping into conclusion in the middle...and my tolerance level has increase from time to time...so its a good thing right?
Even though my age does pull some breaks on certain thing, but there are more options left unexplored....so I don't think that I'm loosing anything, more or less, i think I've been giving a chance to explore more about myself...and from there, I think I can conclude who I am and what am I suppose to do in this world...as a son & as a man...hopefully this new chapter brings me to a new height...a new possibilities...and a new light...people say that the grass is greener at the other side of the fence, but in my case, its a sliding door which i can choose to either open, or stay close...fingers cross...!!!!

~Changes in a man can turn into either good or bad depending on your result facing your challenges in life...but whatever the result is, its never meant to be fix...and it can be change...so always believe in yourself..because no one else will~

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