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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Goodbye 2014...and Hello 2015...!!!

It was quite a journey...!!!
2014 has been good so far...i mean, i've met a lot of people...going places...face a lot of challenges but fortunate enough to survive it...I cried and laugh about it so far...and it makes me realize how beautiful life is...To be honest, i never would imagine myself to stand at where i am right now...but it seems that Allah's plan is better than what i have in mind...so i just went with it...and hopefully something good will come forward...
Call me crazy, but somehow...for no reason...I've been smiling..at every small things that passes me by...those small kids running...those couple that holding hands in the train...those street junkies chilling out with their peeps...that Indian lady that works at McDonalds ice-cream counter...those Korean tourist that ask me for help...the security lady at my workplace...my bosses...gosh..!!! how much i've change so far? Seeing those people that i passed every single day makes me cherish mine more...
My mom and sister are doing fine...seeing both of my sister starting to get their life sorted out makes me a little bit relief...because my late-father voices still lingering and saying stuff like "you need to take care of your sister...and your mom..."...but i'm glad that those echo is getting further and further away now....
As far for looking for "Ms Right" is concern...I'm still searching for her...sometimes when i walk at crowded places or simply sitting alone somewhere...i felt that she is there somewhere...and it makes me turn my head quite a few times and look for her (even though i don't know what she's look-likes)...but i'm happy...happy enough that Allah makes me feel her presence even though it's not the right time for me to meet her yet...

Thousand-folds of Gratitude...!!!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to those whom has effected my life so far (you know who you are...) to thank all of you...huge or small...good or bad...nice or naughty...you have been there for me...for my best and worst...seeing me peed my pants off...or admiring my stage presence when i did my performances....or simply say "hi...and hello..." everyday....you are my inspiration...notice it or not, you are...!!!
Sometimes (and most of the times...) i know that i did not be there enough for you as much as you've did for me...and it makes me feel guilty for not being able to mirror your kindness...but do noted this...i'm trying my best right now is because of the strength that you have been giving me...every single day when i'm about to step down and giving up, i think to myself "if i fail...i failed us all...because we are all in this together...it's not me fighting fr myself anymore...it's for them..."
As the journey goes on...as the end is still dark...and as the clock still ticks....i will carry on your wishes and move forward...because looking back is not a leisure which i have right now...this weight seems manageable right now...but please keep on supporting me...because i'm pretty sure that i will crumble the minute all of you turn your backs on me....you are my sun...my light...my only source of motivation...the rest, I leave it to Allah :-)

Hello 2015...!!!
I've been thinking to do something great this year...something which will make a remark and highlights for this journey I'm in...i haven't figured it out yet...but i know deep within that it will be big...haha (exaggerating it too much)
Maybe I could go travelling to some place incredible like Switzerland....or go kayaking for days...hiking the Gunung Kinabalu also would do the trick...arghhhhh so many choices to pick...haha Maybe one at a time right? But my focus will always be my family and my career...so be sure that i will look for something on that fields too...
I just wanted to make my life goes to next level this year...enough of being the old me...i need to improve myself more...because there are so many things that i need to do...but so little time to do it...money is always an issue...but i could never let it be a hindrance...because if it is, then i will be going nowhere....i think this year would be one of the best year for me..i'm pretty confidence that it will...call it a hunch or premonition...because i will make sure that it is...

~Happy New Year To All Of You...And Have A Blasted year Ahead~   


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