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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Everlasting Love….!!!

Does L.O.V.E. last…?
There is no such thing as “everlasting” phenomenon in this world…the one that is consistently prolonged are “changes” and these might be for the better or for the worst…who would knew the outcome of everything…am I right? Even though there are saying that says “love transcends time and ages…” but it never specifies the continuation of it…I mean, everything requires some sort of fuel to burn up the fire right? So, why “love” should be excluded from all of this?
If you’re not careful with this elements, you might be considered as those whom taken love for granted…always paying respect to those “unforeseen-god” which supposed to firmly tided up your relationship to its core and will never let go…well, guess what…? You’re totally wrong…!!! The minute you’ve have that sort of idea that “love” is simplistic as it is…then you can safely say to yourself that “You’re dead…” and your relationship is going downhill on moving forward…
Just consider yourself lucky if he or she still stays…because (and again I quote) they stayed for a reason…and those reason can be anything….you be the judge on that…!!!

No One Are Safe…Not Yet…!!!
I know that everyone will pull their trigger towards me by saying stuff like “What the hell that you know about love…you don’t even be in a relationship yet…So, stop being a smart-ass…” right? But guess what, if what I’ve said is wrong…then prove it to me that not even a single write-up is useful and all of it is trash and made up clues…!!! Because trust me, either you be or not in a relationship, as long as you have a clear understanding of each other “needs” and “wants”, then you are not that far off from the truth…
Some people just don’t want to accept the fact that love requires more effort than anything…because it represents your sincerity, devotion, respects, attentions, and many more towards your partner…not to mention their willingness to accept your flaws and imperfections’…
From love blooms its fruitful result like “marriages”…and babies… and from there, comes you and I…have you ever consider that? Just imagine how hard our mom and dad struggles to raise us…and without those “love” and “affection” towards each other, this “fruit” won’t blooms till now…lucky us huh?

Another Princess Cinderella’s story…!!!

Well, reality check…not everyone have the pleasure to dine a candle-light dinner in expensive hotel or restaurant to talk about their relationship, or have those long walk on the beach in Milan just to show that their love is as beautiful as those sunsets in front…but you need to try to make the best out of what you’ve got…remember that this is not a number’s game…and surely this is not something that you just do it one time only…love blossom because of the quality of your love…and not the quantity of those materials which you’ve poured… It’s all fun and games when love is getting too easy to be obtain…but more or less, one way or another…he or she’s true feeling shall emerge itself…and trust me guys…the physical appearances of those so-called “soul” can be ugly sometimes…I guess pointing fingers just won’t cut it when that time comes…  

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