How do you define it…?
supposed to be as simple as “what I want in life” right? But what makes it
complicated? This question lingers in my mind for quite some time now. Maybe
because I’m such an airhead to the extent where those unnecessary comment means
nothing to me….
What you
want is up to you…that are from my standpoint…but nowadays it’s not so due to
various reasons which blocked your intention and captivate you in your own
world….why so? Why must you condone to others limitation? They maybe can’t
reach to where you stand, so they envy your success or your road to
success…because for them, it’s impossible (which is also wrong on their part)…
limitation only exist when we allow them to appear…same goes to our fears,
interest, passions, and many more…I just don’t understand why we must limit
ourselves? Not only it sounded wrong and weak…but it also demotivate me at some
point which makes me reconsider a few things that I want to achieve in life…and
I hate it so much… L
Do You Deserve To Have Them…?
I belief
strongly that everyone deserve to have dreams and hopes…why shouldn’t them? We
are all created equally…regardless of gender…status…religion…and many more…we
are entitle to own ourselves…there is no such thing as “fix” in life’s
dictionary…because the only thing that is certain are “changes” right? So, in
my opinion…changes represent “choices” which could lead to another set of
“destination” each time we make them…and this is what we call “decision”….so
the only “sin” that we bear when we reach to a wrong destination is on those
decisions that we make…not the result…so don’t blame yourself too much when we
diverted ourselves a bit…sometimes maybe there are some hiccups along the
way…some maybe reach to the point where their resources or support are
exhausted, so they couldn’t reach those goals…and started to “give up”….on that
level, I pretty much understand…but you yourself need to know when to start to
go back up and try again…for some people, it’s a game of endurance…for some,
it’s more on strategy…there are also “luck”….but I don’t put my hopes too high
on that…maybe it’s nice to have them once or twice...just in case…hehe
Supporters and Hater…?
You have to
anticipate that along your road to reach your “destination”, you’ll meet those
whom support you…and those whom despise you…either way, both of this type are
important in gaining the leverage to get “there”…for me, never hate someone too
much…and never love someone too much also…because you’ll never know when will
these two swaps with each other…I occasionally heard stories in which some of
my friend of friends turn their back on each other and put a wall in
between…and the sad part about these two is, they have been friends for like
forever…and when something happen which triggers both interest, they decided to
protect themselves and lead to this commotion…whereas, some stories I’ve heard
that there are enemies which becomes friend because of their arguments between
each other throughout all the years …and suddenly have this some sort of
rationalization that they actually like each other weaknesses and can’t live
without their comments to improve themselves…
I guess
right now…anything can happen…right? You do the judging…
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