A couple of days before, i just had an afternoon "teh tarik" break with my good friend...we just finish our class and suddenly the urge to have some time off appears...We had a laugh on how long it has been since we first enter the university...and how gruesome the "fight" to finish it...and when you've already at your final hurdle like mine...those memory become sweeter every minutes it passes away...haha
Well, we did enjoy those moment which i know that i will remembered it on the next ten of fifteen year later...
Even though it just a short four years of our meeting...but i think me and my other classmate has gain a more cherish-able moment then we think we have :-)
Being with all of them makes me realize how important friends is...and how lucky you are to have them besides you...i didn't mean that every road is smooth..we did accouter some hurdle along the way...but i guess we manage to overcome it one by one..."Rome isn't build in a day" right? haha
The Advice...!!!
Some of my friend already married by this time around..and that somehow makes me be kind of jealous a bit by their so-called "achievement" in life...some appear to have saggy faces after the marriage..and some just give a plain "i don't care" facial expressions...i guess they have it either tough or just something so great to even be talking about when we are hanging out...haha but it does show on your faces tweerks... :-p

He says "Love is not the interpretation of "marriage"...its a commitment that you've made to that special someone in your life...marriage is just simply tying the knot..no more..or no less..."
He, (which already receive his first baby born almost two months ago) got a little bit tired from all this commitment thingy but doesn't seems to have even a slightest doubts of his decision on marrying someone so early...he said "god has given me His blessing to do this earlier than everybody else for a reason..." and trust me..he did stand on his ground when he say "I love her..." :-)
I Want That...!!!
Seeing him (which I've known before as a little bit of a playboy-reincarnation) make this oath on "commitment" does impact me in the sense of building my own...hearing him saying how those sleepless night and greens-get-burn doesn't even bother him really makes me wonder how much "loving" someone changes you in a way which you never imagine yourself to be...

I guess that is love in its truest form for him...seeing his baby growing right in front of his eyes and watching over his wife smiles day by day is the greatest things that's ever happen to him...
I want that....i really do :-)
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