How To Love Yourself...?
Then i realized that those are just words said out of their subconcious mind which they themself not even realized that they need to honor them...its like those templated words that you use when people ask you a certain question and this causes me to break since I felt stupid enough to fall for them out of admiration...It bugs me that people nowadays only says things out of what they remember and not by their heart...It dawned to me that out of these groups, I'm among those whom spelled-bounded by the charismatic words presented to me - and they kept me hidden whilst they uck the juice out of me for their own benefits...
A part from that, I need to isolate myself from those people whom not only threaten my self-belief, but also comdemned me of my belief (which is now i felt these is rude and uncalled for as I always supported what they do and give positive critism to help them out and not discriminate them). As what I can see, if i truly wanted myself to be free and rejoice, i need to take better care of more extra effort for those whom are not wort the effort - just because they look sad doesn't mean they are entitle for help (it sounded cruel but its the truth)...from my experience, the saddest person seems to always be the most cruelest of all...they drains you and not even consider to take any sort of responsibility for their action - and they are good at it since they do this all the time...
I want to tell the world that I finally know the meaning of loving your own self...its not those material love but those emotional love that makes you yourself feel secured about your own action - sometimes our mind and sould do not connect to the level that it can work together as one, so I need to find deeper meaning in order to let these two jive together. Why? because if I couldn't love myself, then how can I show love to others? If I never felt love, then how do I know what I give is actually love in its true forms? If I never felt the warmth of my own love, then how do I know that my love is whole-heartly or I need to love myself and this is not bad thing.
I used to think that self-loved is something to be avoided...because people keep on telling me that being such self-centered person can only lead to your own demised. So i began to search for my own meaning of "Happiness"...from being selfless to a so-called saint, i dug every ounce of my time and strentgh to seek for that one meaning which suppose to be my purpose of living...days turns to weeks...weeks turns to months...and months turns to years...the definition keeps on piling up...added up from either my experiences or other people that have that "sense" like I do...but something seems always does...
More and more people come to me and say what they think "Love" or "Happiness" meant for always those cliche answers like "love others like you want to be love..." or "Love is about caring for others and sharings of emotions..." up to the point where some even suggested that "love is about sacrifices to those whom matters..." It sounded nice and slowly i practiced those my everyday live...and everyday works...i put others before me and hoping that those people would do the same to me...and i wait...and wait...and wait...untill i felt like there is no point of waiting anymore...but even so, i still keep on waiting - clueless of what actually my reasons of waiting...

How do I realized this? when the same intention i seek from them towards me is not honored casually whilst if it were theirs, its park more like a responsibility and must be done at their will - how cruel was that?
For the past two or three weeks I've been reflecting those things which I've done and what I can do to prevent it from happening again - and I found that I need to start loving myself more and appreciate myself like how I appreciate others. I need to consider my gains before others and not be so easily captivated by people's words because (so far) most of them are just words with no honorable attachments. I need to take care of those whom look at me with love instead of those whom look at me as an opportunity...I need to see my own goodness and stop feeling down at myself because its not only open up doors for those "creatures" to sneak into my head, but also it demotivate me to see myself as somewhat beautiful (and yes..I am beautifully nurtured).

I need to stop being so attached to the work that I do since work is endless and it never going to help me in any sort of matter accept worldly yeah, I'm ditching and condeming corporate abuse and hierrarical discrimination towards a person and I'll sworn to myself to try my best to change this pre-historic practices once and for all...
I Love Myself...!!!

If loving yourself to the point of saving your own dignity and covering your scars and wound are considered as self-centered, then be it...let me be a self centered person for a change..let me be that jerks that say "i don't care about you and your problem...because i have mine to take care off..." hahahaha i wish i could say these stuff right to a person's face but i never able to do it...maybe i'll try it afterwards...fingers cross (and not getting punched in the face)
~Be yourself...Others already been taken...~