What Does It Mean...?
Relationship is not something that you "declare" or "write-inn" in some papers...relationship is a sacred bond between two person's heart which only can be felt by non-other than both of them...so even though you say that you are in a relationship, you are not truly inn if you do not felt it to your core...from what i've seen, a lot of "couple" nowadays like to "declare" their co-existence with their partner as somewhat a relationship, but the truth is, they are not together spiritually...and most of them co-habit-ed just for the sake of fulfilling each other personal needs...does that is what "relationship" meaning has come too...?
Ideally, if you "in love" with someone...you should felt empty inside every time when that person is not around...your laughter seems dull when they are not around...when you are together, all the joy suddenly doubled...all the lame jokes seems on point...those awful restaurant now felt like an expensive dining hall when that person seat in front of you on the table...the night seems so fast...and the day seems longer...
Waking up seeing her face is the most exciting feeling of all...knowing that you have someone is there when you are down...and all your problem doesn't seems that awful when she's around...their clumsiness and their cheekiness are not all annoying...until you reach to these point, than just consider yourself as "not really in a relationship"...but more or less just being together with someone that you "like" instead of "love"...
Un-appreciative Gesture...!!!
Most of the time when i passed by on a restaurant or a coffee shops, i can see a lot of "love-birds" hanging and chilling out on a date and it seems nice at first...but as time passes, i can see that both of them are not really dating each other, and it bugs me every time as i genuinely identified these small un-appreciative gesture made by them during dating...phones consistently on their hands...looking at other peoples profiling or texting other people during dating seems not something that could be pass on as "having a good time" with your partner...dating used to be the time where you fully utilize your presence with your partner..sharing stories...exchange feelings and emotions...tell jokes...eating and drinking is just an excuse to be together really...but now, dating has become an obligation as a partner to meet once in awhile...and seriously, it does look bad...really bad...!!!
I think partner need to start to be more appreciative of their other half...because if not, the effort of "being together" will only just be a word that people talk about, and not a word that carved in your heart...The same goes for marriages and how many failed marriage starts with these gestures? lack of communication and lack of trust is the catalyst of unsuccessful marriage...and to think that those add commercial about having material as signs of happiness seems true in nowadays scene...but it not suppose to be real in the first place...!!!
Repair The Damage...!!!
The most complex puzzle to be put together is the women's mind and a heart that has been broken...and it's the most curious but true epidemic salvation of truce whereby one mistakes found some halo to try and make things work again..but trust me, the "trust" is so valuable in which when it cracked (even just a little), it takes thousands of good-will just to cover it up...and most of us always take granted for the trust we get...which beg the question whether we are worthy of such responsibility or not?...
But trust me, preventing is less headache than trying to fix it...because once the heart is broken, the work that need to be put...and the effort to make it lively again will be immense...and still, it wont be the same...not anymore...so whatever that you do..do it with cautions and know your game before you start them...!!!