The Beginning...!!!

Well, i start off since i was 10 years old...i know that some of you might think that i'm telling a lie, but actually i'm not... :-p I used to pick up a use-up books (that still have some leftover pages) and draw anything that comes into my mind (usually cartoon character and such)...and trust me, my drawing is bad...haha I'm so bad, that if i draw a straight line using a ruler, it will still looks like crap :-p but i never actually see it...i don't know why....i kept on drawing and drawing...because it is something that i love...most of the time, my friend (which i hate the most because his drawing is so good) and I would compare our so-called "art"...and it turns out that mine were just an "F" know what additional is that? mine are the "FART" of his "ART"....haha
He can draw a pair of "eyes" and make it look sooooooo beautiful....but when I did it, it turn out like those Warner Bro's bunnies...yup!!! I suck at it :-p
I think around my "Standard six"period which I totally decided to stop...because the gap between me and that friend of mine is so huge, he been doing those "Murals" and "Portraits" whilst me still struggling on the combination of colors (I'm such a douche right?) - The funny part of this stage of my life is that, the reality just not as fun as what you'd pictured it inside your mind...I learned that even though you suck at something, there is no stopping unless you decided to do it on your own...and being able to stand side by side with that son-of-a-rotten-papaya is always a honor (but i forgot his name already...) :-p
The Mentor...!!!

My dad is always an inspiration when i started to do this gig...he is my "English" teacher...every single day he would torture me with verbs...vocabs...words...tenses...gosh, it was like he is trying to piss me off every time i tried to have a peace moment in front of the telly...he would question me those "lines" of the actors by simple said "what does it mean?" I hated it to bits...There were a lot of times where I'd raise my voice towards him and ask him to "shut up" - In reality, is not that cruel people...because even though I've "tell" him not to...he would just ignore my request, get mad at me for a couple of hours...and start back at point was like he never listens...I do regret those things that I've done since he is no longer here with me...but if i could change the time back, I would still do the same thing (I guess that is the only moment where I can actually have an actually son-to-dad-conversations...) So yeah...I would love to do it again all over...muahahaha :-p
The Writing...!!!

I still remember in my high school days, i would sit alone in the class room during recess period and write something up...i don't care whether it is a poem...stories...or lyrics...i just keep on writing like crazy....and this one time, one of my closest friend during those days realize what I do...and what he did is, he comes and approach me and said "what are you doing?" I replied "just some lyrics..." He looks kinda impress by it and started to ask me to sing my songs to him...because he wanted to hear...and of course I was shy right? and reluctant to do it...but he keep on insisting me to do so which finally made me give up and just went with it...and he was like "Gosh should record this..." and all other complement...I was like blushing my way through that, and after that day, he would stay with me every now and then just to see how i write those songs...It was good at first...but after quite some times, it gets a little bit annoying...and i just stop to write songs...until recently of course :-) - The best part about this relationship is that, after that year has ended, me and him becomes "pen-pals" and we would write to each other every now and then...but it stops completely when i started to do my diploma :-(
The Music...!!!
It was an accident...I'm not lying when i say this...seriously :-p I met with this friend of mine when i started to stay in the school's hostel. We were really involve in "laziness" during that time :-p It was during SPM period and all the other students were like "study to death" right?....but for us "lazy-bunch"...books is the last thing we wanted to see before bedtime...haha So basically what we do is that, we would just play around during "Prep" time at night...just chilling...drooling...and many other crap-ish activities imaginable (we would also climb the school's water tank at night...)

But on this fateful night (which will change my life until today), this one good friend of mine started to brag about how awesome it is to learn how to play a guitar...and of course for "us"we would "awe" and inspired to do it...but in the end it was me and him whom genuinely stays...and that lesson didn't stops there too...because every now and then, when i have the time during weekends, i would go to his house and play guitar with him...(but he is really skillful which annoys me more...) haha
I don't have my own guitar during those what I did was, I grab this "T-Ruler" which looks like a shape of a guitar "neck" and i would dry-strum it as if it produces a legit sound (it was so stupid...) but, that is how i live with it :-p
Well...I still living the dream...I not saying that i want to make it as a career indefinitely, but it won't hurt to think about it right? Right now I am writing a blog...which i would never imagine myself doing it (due to my laziness)...and i'm writing songs...which is cool if it was ten years back hahaha :-p
Slowly, but surely..I'm living my childhood dreams...I don't know how many years it will take...but for sure I'm happy with what I have right now...Alhamdulillah :-)