Why Is It Important?
I stumble upon a situation where a question whether "love" really important in a relationship or not recently, and it weighted on me whether to agree or disagree with that statement since the perspective of the other person is quite clear that the extension of love only covers a certain part of that person's life - to which my definition of love tries to uncover a broarder meaning to it. The debate is simple, but the outcome has left me with frustration as I wish to show more sides of love so that person could embrace it more that if "love" truly be understand, then the world will make more sense - but i guess i've lost my chances because I don't want the conversation to go south and severe the ties.
So now the real question to be ask about this topic is why is it important? What makes love in its purest form can create a better version of you? The answer is simple..."from love we are born, and from love we may die..." This statement might seems a bit overwhelmed but let me rephrase it so that it will make more sense to "Love can either saves us...or love can either kills us..." make sense? What do i really mean by this is that love creates us since the very beginning of our lives - either from marriage "birthing" a baby or got stranded in a darkest ally and suddenly receive a small ray light of hopes - this is all coming from love...and how love can kills is by extracting the norm or warmth and let that other person felt left alone or helpless...and this can comes either within your private lifes or social and professional lifes...not only in your romantic lifes...
The largest coverage which I find fascinating is how love covers every religious beliefs in which all the mainstream ideologies, faiths and practices echoes the same principles to put "love" as their main direction and objectives - so what makes love so important? and why love covers so many elements within our everyday lives?
Ofcourse the conversation with that person didn't go till this extend, but how I wish that person can see all of this and hopefully someday someone can be a dear to show that person how wonderful life would be if you start to believe in love.
Why Love & Romantic Relationships?
Perhaps maybe because only in a romantic relationship that a person casually say "I love you" more often then the rest of other type of relationships. We not normally see or hear our boss says "I love your work..." right? Hence, this word has become a taboo and creates a lot of pressure as it's been put onto one type of relationship that determines your direction of continuity lifes - marriage life. But here is the trick, how to establish between "loving" and "liking"? it looks similiar and the notion that follows also almost the same...but the weigthage of "loving" far surpassed those "liking"...why? Because when you "love" someone, it comes with responsibilities and commitments - for the good and bad times...in contradiction, "liking" is temporary and it can increase and decrease against time - easily detarioriated based on many insignificant reasons. That's why in most culture, saying "I Love You" is really sacret and only can be said when that person is truly understand the responsibility that comes with it - its almost the same as phrasing an "Akkad'" during Islamic Solemnization or saying "I Do" in Church Oath Weddings (of course the degree of formality is made clear - plus its also one form of saying "I Love You" in different faith ritual).
What Does Life Without Love?
"Dry" is the correct words to describe this situation. I mean, we have our common sense, ethics, morality and other goodwill practices but it will not be as meaningful and colorful as when love comes into the picture. Just imagine those looks and action are all done with the full realization to please the person that you cared the most - be it your mom, dad, borthers, sisters friends, passerbyer, strangers...all of those people will feel your warmth and effection. Not because everyone is doing it as a trend...not because the society told you to do it...not because you do it for the sake of pleasing your surrounding...but you do it because you felt that it is the right thing to do...that commitment and passion is born from love...I just wish that more people would take some of their time and try to think how love have made them who they are right now and start appreciating love once again...a world without love is not living...its only "breathing"...live and love...thats the way the world should work...and how I hope love can be an important element in our everyday lives starting from now on...Insyallah :-)
I stumble upon a situation where a question whether "love" really important in a relationship or not recently, and it weighted on me whether to agree or disagree with that statement since the perspective of the other person is quite clear that the extension of love only covers a certain part of that person's life - to which my definition of love tries to uncover a broarder meaning to it. The debate is simple, but the outcome has left me with frustration as I wish to show more sides of love so that person could embrace it more that if "love" truly be understand, then the world will make more sense - but i guess i've lost my chances because I don't want the conversation to go south and severe the ties.

The largest coverage which I find fascinating is how love covers every religious beliefs in which all the mainstream ideologies, faiths and practices echoes the same principles to put "love" as their main direction and objectives - so what makes love so important? and why love covers so many elements within our everyday lives?
Ofcourse the conversation with that person didn't go till this extend, but how I wish that person can see all of this and hopefully someday someone can be a dear to show that person how wonderful life would be if you start to believe in love.
Why Love & Romantic Relationships?

What Does Life Without Love?

~Love can show us the door...blind our soul...push us to our limits...but that is just living...so live~